Primary Grades

Environment Climate change Global warming

Interactions Within the Environment

The environment is made up of living and non-living things that interact with one another. We will learn about the...


Primary Level Science Syllabus – 5 Topics You Must Know

The primary level science syllabus is an important part of the curriculum. It encompasses a wide range of topics and...

Plant system

Plant system

Plants are an important part of our ecosystem. They not only provide us with food but also oxygen, which is...


Explore the Fun Side of Science: Awesome Books for Young Scientists

Hello there young scientists! Are you ready to explore the wonderful world of science and technology? Don't worry; it's not...


Discover the Ultimate Cheat Sheet for PSLE English Grammar and Spelling Success

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for PSLE English Exam Preparation

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a significant milestone...

Reimagining Learning: The Power of Removing Mid-Year Exams

From Assessment to Enrichment: Shifting the Focus

Education is a...

7 Effective Strategies for Better Memory Retention

Children are often asked to do a lot of studying...

How to Ace Your Next Exam: Effective Strategies and Engaging Exercises

Whether you're a primary schooler preparing for your final exams or a secondary student cramming for midterms, exam preparation can be unnerving. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the...

Inspirational image of a key unlocking a bright future, symbolizing the potential of the SGIS Scholarship

Unlock Your Dreams with the SGIS Scholarship: The Comprehensive Guide

Picture this: You're a bright, ambitious student in Singapore with dreams of contributing to the country's growth and development. You want to pursue your passions, make a difference in your...

Separation Anxiety Preschoolers

Preschoolers and Separation Anxiety: How to Make the Parting Easier

Parenting or caring for a preschool-age child can be an emotional rollercoaster. On one hand, you may be eager to see them develop and flourish; on the other hand, leaving...


Explore the Fun Side of Science: Awesome Books for Young Scientists

Hello there young scientists! Are you ready to explore the wonderful world of science and technology? Don't worry; it's not all boring equations and stuffy labs. There are plenty of...

Smiling family enjoying an educational TV show together

Timeless Educational TV Shows: Unravelling Their Influence on Learning and Personal Growth

Do you remember those lazy weekend mornings, sitting cross-legged in front of the television, eyes glued to your favourite educational TV shows? As we grow older and navigate the complexities...


Primary Level Science Syllabus – 5 Topics You Must Know

The primary level science syllabus is an important part of the curriculum. It encompasses a wide range of topics and is designed to introduce children to the basics of science....

Best Book Recommendations for Primary Schoolers

Best Book Recommendations for Primary Schoolers: Think Big

Are you on the lookout for the ultimate collection of book recommendations to ignite your young learner's imagination and foster their intellectual growth? Look no further! Our curated list of...