Primary Grades


20 Simple Science Experiments to Promote the Love for the Subject

Part 4 of series

Biology is an amazing field that never ceases to fascinate and amaze us with its amazing...

doerdo Primary 1 Student Math Skills

Learn now the Best Math Activities for Primary 1 Students

Mathematics is a critical subject for primary school children. It provides the foundation for more complex subjects and aids in...


Explore the Fun Side of Science: Awesome Books for Young Scientists

Hello there young scientists! Are you ready to explore the wonderful world of science and technology? Don't worry; it's not...

Electrical systems

Electrical systems

Have you ever wondered how your lights turn on, or how your computer works? All of these things are made...


PSLE 2023 Time Table

PSLE 2023 Time Table: Everything You Need to Know

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination...


Maximize Your Learning: A Practical Approach to Self-Directed Study

Learning is a lifelong process that does not necessarily have...

7 Effective Strategies for Better Memory Retention

Children are often asked to do a lot of studying...


Expert Opinion: Can Food Affect Your Exam Performance?

As a dietary expert, I have observed that nutrition plays a significant role in cognitive function and academic performance, especially for students who struggle with staying focused and alert during...

Question paper

Why is Practicing Past PSLE Question Papers Important?

Theoretically, it would be impossible to write a perfect paper without practice. However, there are many different ways to prepare for the exam. One of the most popular methods is...

PSLE 2023 Time Table

PSLE 2023 Time Table: Everything You Need to Know

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination taken by primary six students in Singapore. It is a critical milestone for students as their results determine the secondary...

A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing for PSLE: Proven Ways to Help Your Child Succeed

As a parent, you want your child to excel in every aspect of their life. One of the most important exams they will take in Singapore is the Primary School...


Maximize Your Learning: A Practical Approach to Self-Directed Study

Learning is a lifelong process that does not necessarily have to be confined to a traditional classroom setting. Independent learning can empower students to take charge of their studies, learn...

Top 10 activities for preschooler at home - doerdo

10 Fun and Easy Activities to Spark Your Preschooler’s Creativity at Home

Preschool is a time for discovery and learning. Your child will be constantly exploring their environment and asking you questions about everything they observe.
That is why having activities for...

Alternatives to Chat GPT

5 Notable Alternatives to Chat GPT: AI Breakthroughs

In recent years, Conversational AI has gained significant traction, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. One prominent example is Chat GPT, a powerful language model developed by Open AI....