Primary Grades

20 Simple Science Experiments to Promote the Love for the Subject

Part 3 of Series

Let's embark on an adventure of scientific discovery with our latest blog series! We're thrilled to...

Environment Climate change Global warming

Interactions Within the Environment

The environment is made up of living and non-living things that interact with one another. We will learn about the...

Science experiments

20 Simple Science Experiments to Promote the Love for the Subject

Part 1 of series

As a parent or teacher, finding creative and engaging ways to promote a love for science...


Energy Forms and Uses (Photosynthesis) and Energy Conversion

Energy is essential to do work. It is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. From the sun, which provides...



Maximize Your Learning: A Practical Approach to Self-Directed Study

Learning is a lifelong process that does not necessarily have...

Avoid Mistakes Students Make When Prepping for the Exams

As a student, preparing for exams can be a strenuous...

Discover the Ultimate Cheat Sheet for PSLE English Grammar and Spelling Success

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for PSLE English Exam Preparation

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a significant milestone...

Child Actively listening to parents

Active Listening: Unleashing the Power of Communication in Kids

Are you ready to discover the power of active listening? Often underestimated, but super effective for our young learners, active listening can make a huge impact in their lives. In...


Interaction of Forces (Frictional Force, Gravitational Force, elastic Spring force) 

Forces are essential components that are integral to understanding the behaviour of objects. Forces are responsible for the motion, speed, and direction of objects. Here, we will explore the interaction...

Separation Anxiety Preschoolers

Preschoolers and Separation Anxiety: How to Make the Parting Easier

Parenting or caring for a preschool-age child can be an emotional rollercoaster. On one hand, you may be eager to see them develop and flourish; on the other hand, leaving...

Science experiments

20 Simple Science Experiments to Promote the Love for the Subject

Part 1 of series

As a parent or teacher, finding creative and engaging ways to promote a love for science in children is essential. Simple science experiments can be an...

Child with gappy teeth smiling confidently

The Truth About Gappy Teeth in Children: When to Worry and When to Smile

Parents often worry about their children's dental health, especially when they notice gaps between their teeth. It's essential to understand the facts about gappy teeth in kids and the role...

Smiling family enjoying an educational TV show together

Timeless Educational TV Shows: Unravelling Their Influence on Learning and Personal Growth

Do you remember those lazy weekend mornings, sitting cross-legged in front of the television, eyes glued to your favourite educational TV shows? As we grow older and navigate the complexities...

The Best Ways to Learn a New Language

Learning a new language is always an exciting challenge. It is also a great way to broaden your horizons and learn about cultures that are different from your own. Fortunately,...