Mastering Time Management: The Ultimate Guide to Finishing Your Paper on Time

Category: Exam Prep

Exams can be stressful. One of the greatest struggles students face when taking an exam is finishing their papers within the allotted timeframe. This challenge can be especially significant when it comes to math or science papers that require complex calculations and analysis. But with the right attitude and approaches in place, overcoming this hurdle and finishing your paper on time becomes possible. In this article, we’ll provide some time management tips and techniques that will help you stay positive during exam times. Take a deep breath, and stay motivated – let’s conquer that clock together!

Time Management

Before the Exam

Get plenty of rest the night before: get enough sleep and don’t attempt to stay up late. This will help you focus better and answer questions efficiently.

Familiarize yourself with the exam format: Be aware of how many questions there are to answer, how many marks each question is worth, and how much time you have for each section. This will enable you to plan your time more effectively.

Practice Time Management: Try to implement time management into your studies as well. Allot a specific amount of time for each task or problem, and try your best to stick with it.

Stock Up Supplies: It is always wise to have extra pens, pencils, erasers and a calculator on hand in case an emergency arises.

During the exam

Read all instructions carefully: Ensure you comprehend what is expected of you for each question, so as not to waste time on irrelevant work. This will help save time on tasks that are not essential.

Prioritize Your Time: Start with questions you feel most confident answering, then move onto tougher ones. Doing this allows you to tackle easy ones quickly, which will increase your self-confidence, and save more time for tougher ones.

Break Down Complex Problems: For Math and Science exams, where problems can be overwhelming, breaking them into smaller components is a wise idea. Not only does this save time but also makes the question simpler to comprehend and answer.

Use Your Time Efficiently: Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you get stuck, don’t despair; move on to the next and revisit the tricky one later. This way, you’ll have enough time for all questions and might even come up with a fresh perspective to tackle that particular tough question.

Maintain Calmness: Staying calm is the most important aspect for success in exams. Try to remain composed and focused during the exam. If you feel anxious, take a few deep breaths and shift your focus on the task at hand. Keeping calm will help maximize time efficiency and achieve desired results.


Why is time management important during exams?

Time management is essential during exams as it helps you allocate your time efficiently so you can answer all questions within the given time limit. Poor time management could result in running out of time and not having time to answer all questions correctly, which may negatively affect your grades.

How can I prepare for an exam to manage my time efficiently?

In order to successfully manage your time during an exam, it’s essential that you become familiar with the format. Doerdo offers AI-powered mock exams that follow MOE syllabus and exam standards. You could practice with their mock exams to be better prepared. Furthermore, practicing time management while regular studies and prioritizing study materials will enable you to develop effective time management strategies.

What is Doerdo?

Doerdo is an online subscription-based education platform that provides personalized learning experiences for primary and secondary school students through artificial intelligence-powered algorithms.

How Can Doerdo Assist with Exam Preparation?

Doerdo offers AI-powered mock exams tailored to the MOE syllabus and exam standards, which allow students to practice time management skills, prioritize tasks, and break down complex problems – all essential skills for passing an exam. Plus, Doerdo’s Personal Coaching – Live Classes provide real-time feedback and support so students remain calm and focused during exams.

What subjects does Doerdo cover?

Doerdo offers advanced, interactive learning material for students from Primary 1 to Secondary 5, covering a wide variety of topics such as math, science and languages.

Does Doerdo provide personalized learning experiences?

Absolutely. Doerdo uses machine learning algorithms to analyze student performance and tailor content and feedback in real-time according to each learner’s individual needs, ultimately improving learning outcomes through a tailored experience.

How does Doerdo help with time management?

Doerdo offers resources such as AI-powered mock exams and personalized coaching to aid students in developing effective time management strategies. They can practice prioritizing their time, breaking down complex problems, and avoiding spending too much time on any one question.

Can Doerdo Help with Exam Anxiety?

Absolutely, our Personal Mentoring sessions offer students strategies for remaining calm and focused during exams. Furthermore, practicing time management skills as well as taking mock exams helps students feel more prepared and confident in their abilities.


Now you have some exciting tips to help you ace your exams like a pro! Follow these steps, manage time wisely, and you’ll be well on the way to academic success! Remember every second counts! With the right strategy in place, ace those exams with ease! Good luck!

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