Primary Grades

Environment Climate change Global warming

Interactions Within the Environment

The environment is made up of living and non-living things that interact with one another. We will learn about the...

Listening Comprehension

6 Powerful Steps to Ace Your PSLE Listening Comprehension Exam

Effective communication is more important than ever in today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world. Strong listening comprehension skills enable students...

Curious Science

Igniting a Lifelong Love for Science: From Curiosity to Enthusiasm

Science is like a never-ending adventure that allows us to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It has the power...


Maximize Your Learning: A Practical Approach to Self-Directed Study

Learning is a lifelong process that does not necessarily have to be confined to a traditional classroom setting. Independent learning...


Reimagining Learning: The Power of Removing Mid-Year Exams

From Assessment to Enrichment: Shifting the Focus

Education is a...

7 Effective Strategies for Better Memory Retention

Children are often asked to do a lot of studying...

PSLE 2023 Time Table

PSLE 2023 Time Table: Everything You Need to Know

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination...


Discover the Ultimate Secrets of Top-Scoring Students!

Are you tired of struggling to get good grades? Do you want to know the secrets of students who consistently score top grades? Look no further! In this blog post,...

How to Ace Your Next Exam: Effective Strategies and Engaging Exercises

Whether you're a primary schooler preparing for your final exams or a secondary student cramming for midterms, exam preparation can be unnerving. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the...

Sleep Needs Of School-Going Kids

The Sleep Needs of School-Going Kids: How Much Sleep is Enough?

Sleep is a crucial aspect of a child's physical, cognitive, and emotional development, and it plays a vital role in their overall well-being. As school-going kids juggle academic demands, extracurricular...

Electrical systems

Electrical systems

Have you ever wondered how your lights turn on, or how your computer works? All of these things are made possible by electrical systems. Electrical systems are made up of...

Separation Anxiety Preschoolers

Preschoolers and Separation Anxiety: How to Make the Parting Easier

Parenting or caring for a preschool-age child can be an emotional rollercoaster. On one hand, you may be eager to see them develop and flourish; on the other hand, leaving...

Reimagining Learning: The Power of Removing Mid-Year Exams

From Assessment to Enrichment: Shifting the Focus

Education is a complex journey of intellectual and personal growth. Traditionally, mid-year examinations have been used as checkpoints to evaluate a student's learning...

Mother tongue

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Your Child the Importance of Mother Tongue

As parents, we yearn for our progeny to flourish in life and evolve into well-rounded individuals. One of the most pivotal factors in their success is their aptitude to communicate...