Primary Grades

Plant system

Plant system

Plants are an important part of our ecosystem. They not only provide us with food but also oxygen, which is...

Best Book Recommendations for Primary Schoolers

Best Book Recommendations for Primary Schoolers: Think Big

Are you on the lookout for the ultimate collection of book recommendations to ignite your young learner's imagination and foster...

Electrical systems

Electrical systems

Have you ever wondered how your lights turn on, or how your computer works? All of these things are made...

Life Cycle

Cycles in Plants and Animals

In nature, there are many cycles that repeat themselves over and over again. One important type of cycle is the...


Avoid Mistakes Students Make When Prepping for the Exams

As a student, preparing for exams can be a strenuous...

Environment Climate change Global warming

Interactions Within the Environment

The environment is made up of living and non-living things...

Listening Comprehension

6 Powerful Steps to Ace Your PSLE Listening Comprehension Exam

Effective communication is more important than ever in today's fast-paced...

Question paper

Why is Practicing Past PSLE Question Papers Important?

Theoretically, it would be impossible to write a perfect paper without practice. However, there are many different ways to prepare for the exam. One of the most popular methods is...

Screen time

The Screen Time Debate: Is Screen Time for Kids Always a Bad Thing?

Kids are growing up in a digital world, and the latest and greatest in technology is always on the rise. Technology has the potential to be both a blessing as...

Unlock Your Child’s Memory Potential: 7 Exciting Tips to Boost Retention and Learning

Children are often asked to do a lot of studying for school, and it can be hard for them to remember everything they have learned. It is important to find...


Expert Opinion: Can Food Affect Your Exam Performance?

As a dietary expert, I have observed that nutrition plays a significant role in cognitive function and academic performance, especially for students who struggle with staying focused and alert during...

Top 10 activities for preschooler at home - doerdo

10 Fun and Easy Activities to Spark Your Preschooler’s Creativity at Home

Preschool is a time for discovery and learning. Your child will be constantly exploring their environment and asking you questions about everything they observe.
That is why having activities for...

Curious Science

Igniting a Lifelong Love for Science: From Curiosity to Enthusiasm

Science is like a never-ending adventure that allows us to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It has the power to kindle curiosity and wonder in the hearts of young...

Inspirational image of a key unlocking a bright future, symbolizing the potential of the SGIS Scholarship

Unlock Your Dreams with the SGIS Scholarship: The Comprehensive Guide

Picture this: You're a bright, ambitious student in Singapore with dreams of contributing to the country's growth and development. You want to pursue your passions, make a difference in your...